Our Story

Founded in 2014 by Dr. Igor Lokot, Double Bond Pharmaceutical is dedicated to revolutionizing the treatment of brain cancer, infections, and other life-threatening diseases. Our mission is to develop and commercialize innovative drugs that offer new hope to patients worldwide.

At Double Bond Pharmaceutical, we believe that medicines  deliver the best results by reaching the right place at the right time. Our focus is on innovative drug delivery systems that aim to minimize side effects and maximize efficacy, ensuring that treatments are not only effective but also safe.

Our flagship product, SI-053, is a gel formulation of temozolomide designed for the localized treatment of glioma. With regulatory approval for phase I clinical trials in the Netherlands and Germany, we are on the verge of bringing this promising therapy to patients in need.

We invite you to join us on our journey to deliver safer and more effective treatments. Together, we can transform the landscape of healthcare, offering new solutions and hope to those who need it most.

Why SI-053 Is
a Game-changer?

In 2022, 320,000 adults were diagnosed with brain and CNS tumors, and 250,000 died.
(Global Cancer Observatory)

In 2022, 320,000 adults were diagnosed with brain and CNS tumors, and 250,000 died (Global Cancer Observatory).

Surgery is critical for eliminating the bulk of the tumor, offering the best chance to prolong survival and alleviate symptoms.

However, malignant brain tumors like glioblastoma infiltrate surrounding healthy tissue. Glioblastoma is characterized by its highly aggressive nature and fast growth. This makes it very hard to treat, leading to recurrence and death.

The Stupp protocol, the standard of care for glioblastoma, includes maximum safe resection, radiotherapy (RT) and systemic temozolomide (TMZ).  This protocol extends survival by 10 months
on average.

The Stupp protocol, the standard of care for glioblastoma, includes maximum safe resection, radiotherapy (RT) and systemic temozolomide (TMZ).  This protocol extends survival by 10 months on average.

However, oral temozolomide causes systemic toxicity and poor drug delivery to brain cancer due to the blood-brain barrier. Many patients can’t complete chemotherapy due to side effects and disease progression, leaving high levels of residual microscopic disease and a high risk of recurrence.

Our analysis of 25 years of clinical studies involving 8713 patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma revealed that adding systemic experimental treatment to the Stupp protocol only provided an additional 2.7 months of survival. Locally delivered experimental treatment resulted in an additional 2.9 months of survival. In contrast, Temodex, a prototype product of SI-053, extended survival by
5 months in addition to standard care, showing a 57% improvement in survival
compared to the control group.

Our analysis of 25 years of clinical studies involving 8713 patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma revealed that adding systemic experimental treatment to the Stupp protocol only provided an additional 2.7 months of survival. Locally delivered experimental treatment resulted in an additional 2.9 months of survival. In contrast, Temodex, a prototype product of SI-053, extended survival by 5 months in addition to standard care, showing a 57% improvement in survival compared to the control group.

SI-053 allows direct delivery of temozolomide to the tumor, potentially prolonging survival, progression-free survival, and treatment-free intervals. To read more about SI-053/Temodex,
please go to Our Products page.

SI-053 allows direct delivery of temozolomide to the tumor, potentially prolonging survival, progression-free survival, and treatment-free intervals.
To read more about SI-053/Temodex,
please go to Our Products page.